Paid in Full

December 2017
Stanford Social Innovation Review

Paid-in-Full investing is a universal strategy designed to move organizations away from simple charitable investments to justice-oriented, systems-levels change.  The Paid-in-Full model is rooted in building empathy towards and capacity for communities to be the heroes and heroines of their own stories while changing systems that have historically disenfranchised them.  These strategies are simple in nature and focus on building collective impact and action based on the compressive “bets” we make at home for the success of our families all while dispelling the pervasive "Us" & "Them" mentality that has dangerously guided the philanthropic field.  Whether applied in the U.S., India, Brazil, U.K. or India the principles of a Paid in Full Strategy apply globally and should be enacted for any government, nonprofit, philanthropic, or private sector entity looking to build a more just and equitable society.